Thursday, December 17, 2009
And America's Favorite Dancer is...Russell
So this is a first. The person I wanted to win actually won, but then after he won I was upset. Can we talk about Russell's performance last night?
First off, I never bought it for one second. I think Russell knew that he was going to win (he had that cocky glint in his eye two nights ago that Jeanine had right before she won) and it started to freak him out, so he manifested this leg injury. Why, you might ask. It's hard to say, the mind is a strange place. I am guessing so that if he didn't win he could somehow blame it on his injury. Obviously, the votes had already been cast. Which is exactly why I started thinking that Russell was one strange dude.
Then he won. And he took off his shirt. And he jumped around on his "bad leg". And then Cat had to pull him off the floor. It was a combination of a World Cup game winning goal, Academy Award speech, and touchdown dance. I did not like it. I was having full blown second hand embarrassment. I had to hide in my kitchen for most of it.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday Night's Show 11/17 -GUEST COMMENTARY!
i hate legacy more than ever. he was too busy trying to show off his six pack that his posture was terrible throughout the dance. not to mention how he is so obsessed with himself that he plays with his own shadow. and who is paying the judges to rave about jakob (he is soooo forgettable)? his toes were pointed during a hip hop routine!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday Result Show
More Tuesday Night
Tuesday Night's Show
Another side note, I was watching a CSI:NY episode yesterday about rival hip hop dancers (who obviously end up murdering each other) and they were playing the song that Legacy danced to last week. And then I notice that it was Legacy dancing to the song. It was hard to miss the person walking backwards on their hands. So I did a little IMDB investigating and found out that Jonathan "Legacy" Perez has been a background dancer on a couple shows and movies. There were also some head shots of him, which I found odd, because that seemed a little too "professional." I always think these people are no-names that just walk off the street, and then it always turns out that they already have a few dance accomplishments under their belt.
Was it me, or was one of the routines last night a combination of Tyce's addiction piece and Travis Wall's piece with Jeannine and the heart locket? I think Victor and Channing danced to it, and perhaps Stacey Tucci choreographed it. But you know how I am with names...
In truth, I was not able to watch most of last night's episode, so I am going to watch it now and post more thoughts later.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Deleted Comment #3
calling jeanine cocky and saying you're not impressed by routines in your old posts. do you think you can dance?
First of all, Mollee and Jason. Who is Jason? LOL. It's Nathan.
Noelle didn't do well in her hip hop performance. Not only that, she got a free ride last week and should have nailed her routine this week.
Ashleigh was never 'carried' by Ryan. She was simply in the background in contrast to him. To imply that she was 'carried', is to say that she fumbled through all the rounds in Vegas and had to dance for her life several times with her husband, which did not happen.
Your lack of knowledge of tap is clear. I am not a tap expert, but to talk shit about tap dancers whilst praising legacy is such a double standard. Legacy has poor technique, probably can't do a leg extension, jette or hold a pioruette, yet is praised for his 'control'. I think it's funny how he got Hip Hop the first week, and contemporary routine that did not show any technique by Legacy at all. Nothing against Kathryn, but Legacy is overrated.
"The bottom four is bull shit". Okay, great commentary.
Do you like any genres of dance at all? Maybe you should learn to appreciate other styles of dance more, instead of lamenting and labelling things as 'boring', 'slow' and 'shit'. I personally think it's disgusting that you have SYTYCD in your blog title at all.
A Note To My Readers
The reason I write this blog is because I love the show "So You Think You Can Dance," and I wanted to create a forum where other people could share their thoughts on the show.
I am not a dancer. I have never taken a dance class. I have never claimed to have any expertise about dance. But, I love dancing. Everything I write here is just one person's opinion. A non-expert opinion. I don't think you have to be an expert to have an opinion. I write about how the dances make me feel, not from a place of learned knowledge, but rather my gut reaction.
This morning I deleted about four comments from this blog because of their incredibly mean spirited nature. I want debate and conversation and different opinions about dance, but there is absolutely no place for personal attacks on me, or anyone else who leaves comments.
I hesitated before deleting the comments, because everyone is entitled to voice their thoughts, but then I removed them after deciding that I did not want that level of negativity and hate attached to my blog. However, I am going to re-post all the comments except for the one where an anonymous person calls me a "fat bitch." There is no place for that level of reckless hostility on my blog or anywhere else in the world.
I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone with the things I have written. My intention has always been to share my love of the show, not make people angry. In the future I will make an attempt to be more sensitive about the things that I say. As far as typos and calling people the wrong name, that will never stop. I am a really bad proofreader, and I have a lot of trouble remembering people's names :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Death to Nappy Tabs (insert skull and cross bones symbol here)
Noelle & Russell: Wow, I really expected Noelle's dancing to be as stupid as her personality, but it was not at all! I was so impressed with her (besides her really bad "Matrix" move and aerial cartwheel). But I could not take my eyes off her. I watched Noelle way more than Russell. As far as Shankman's comments; I am not sure he had a cohesive thought in there. I'm pretty sure it was the coke and/or acid talking. Not one thing he said made sense. Love you, Shanky, keep it coming.
Ashleigh & Jakob: Perhaps the first ballroom I have enjoyed watching. Okay, I am sure that is not true. But I usually see Tony and Meredith and then get ready to not like the next dance. But this time they rocked it. And by they, I am mean Ashleigh and Jakob, because those kids have talent. I love that originally Ashleigh's husband was carrying her, because she has completely come into her own.
Bianca & Victor: Ummm, I did not like it. It felt slow. Was that the choreography, or them? I think that I am really prejudiced against Bianca because I don't think she can reach beyond tap, though I would not mind being proved wrong. I think Victor might have danced okay, but I was mostly watching Bianca and thinking about how being good in one genre of dance does not make you more capable in others.
Mollee & Jason: Of all the weird things that have been pointed out about people's behavior on this show, nothing quite stands out like Mollee's need to go to the bathroom a lot. There is just something so wrong with the sight of her raising her hand to be dismissed to go to the restroom while someone is trying to teach her choreography.
Bollywood? More like Bollyboring. That was uninteresting and not even in the right style. If they had no been dressed as they were with beads and scarves, I might not have even guessed the genre. Not good. YET, the judges did not have enough good things to say. Which is either bc 1) They are trying to promote Bollywood as an acceptable style of dance on this show, or 2)They are trying to promote Mollee and Jason. Because that routine was mediocre at best.
Channing & Phillip: Do you hear it? Do you hear it coming? I think it is...I think it might be...yes, it's a TRAIN WRECK! Nice try guys, loved the enthusiasm, love you guys as a pair, but how could we not notice all the hiccups? As the judges said, it was a real struggle. They were cautious and slow and then still messed up. And I think Phillip might look like he is in his 50's. Note: When Nigel says that the color of your costume "really suits you," he is struggling... struggling for a compliment.
Karen & Kevin: Death to Nappy Tabs. I'm just going to say it. I am tired of this sh*t. I am sick and tired of this boring hip hop. At first I thought I was just anti-Nappy Tabs because they look like they should both be teaching Middle School Earth Science and not choreographing hip hop, but I am over that. Too many of their routines suck. Bring back Lil C, bring back Shane Sparks, do anything, just stop relying on this played out, watered down, over hyped, need to be "has been," choreography team. And they wear hats too often.
I have no comment on the dancers.
Kathryn & Legacy (the criers): Legacy has such control over his body, I don't know if there is anything he can't do. Never has someone transformed from a break dancer to a contemporary dancer so quickly (and Shanky is saying this exact same thing right now, but let the record show that I was already writing it). And Kathryn was pretty damn good too. I guess there is a correlation between dance ability and number of tears shed per day. But again, Legacy, I love you, you are amazing.
Pauline & Peter: "Imagine there was an earlier draft of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night,' and in that earlier draft he painted people. This number is about those discarded people coming back to torment Van Gogh." Wade Robson, I would expect nothing less from you. Nothing.
And yet the dance sucked. And so I blame the dancers. I think Peter blows. If this had been Brandon and Jeanette, it would have been off the chain. But I don't think these two could handle it. AGAIN, I don't think the tappers are going to do well on this show.
Ellenore & Ryan: I'm torn between thinking it was awesome and thinking Ellenore was too slow (before her dress got caught in her shoe). But like Shanky said, maybe it was not slowness, but a controlled stillness. Again, I am torn. Ryan is money. Ryan shined in this piece. But I have a feeling that the "Ryan is God" mentality is going to fade quickly once he gets something out of his comfort zone. Like, say, hip hop....
The bottom four is bull sh*t. Noelle did so much better than Channing. How far do our memories go back? Channing was the one who struggled through her entire routine while the rest of America had second hand embarrassment.
Noelle's solo was solid and Bianca's felt desperate. Victor is forgettable, and Phillip is memorable, but mostly because his face has become annoying.
If there is any justice in the world, Bianca will go home. As far as the boys, um, I don't really care.
It was Bianca's time. Especially since Nigel started pronouncing her name in the most ridiculous way possible.
So long Phillip. I loved you briefly before I realized your attitude sucked.
Oh God, Phillip is talking about his father's funeral right now. This has not been his week.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday Night - First Cuts
Top 20- Monday Night
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Auditions and Stuff
Monday, September 14, 2009
Michelle Obama reads my blog...clearly
First and foremost: My favorite part of this blog is reader feedback AKA "comments." It was brought to my attention by someone that her comments kept getting deleted. I WOULD NEVER delete someone's comments. If you need proof, look at all the pro-Jeanine comments on my blog that remain even though I think she ruined last season by winning (perhaps that is a tad harsh).
The point is, if you posted something and it disappeared, it was NOT me. I think the solution might be to post as "Anonymous." So far I have not heard anything about those mysteriously being deleted.
So keep posting! I want to hear from you!
Which transitions nicely into my next topic. Last Thursday, President Obama addressed the nation regarding a little topic called health care. Fox chose not to air that speech. While most people think this was a typical anti-Obama move on the historically right wing Fox network, it was clearly because Fox had its priorities in order. No matter what happens with health care...we will always have dance!
My mom told me that when asked about Fox not airing his address, Obama said that he did not mind and that SYTYCD is one of Michelle's favorite shows. Michelle! I had no idea. I assume that you are already reading the blog. Stop hiding and make a comment!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Jeanine is America's Favorite Dancer...Allegedly
The only good thing about Jeanine winning was her joke about giving an acceptance speech at the Kodak. Very funny (also very cocky).
I think in the end Kayla lost a lot of steam. When she did her Samba with Max, it looked nothing like the first time she did it. Perhaps this competition is not meant for people like her, who are already great dancers. It's meant for the underdogs, the Jeanine's who rise from obscurity, the Sabra's who have only been dancing a few years, the Josh's who need braces.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Evan vs. Kayla: The Final Showdown
The Top Four dance by Wade Robson was way disappointing. Not at all up to Wade's normal caliber of dance. I also kept expecting Ade to pop out and I had to remind myself that he had gone home (inexplicably).
The Evan and Jeanine Sonya dance was so typical. All Sonya's pieces are the same. She has been totally overexposed this season. Next.
I thought Brandon's solo was sloppy where it should have been sharp. It did not compare to last weeks. He should have saved the best for last.
I was disappointed in most of the pieces tonight, starting with Brandon and Kayla's Broadway. The only cool part was when he flipped her while she was in a full split.
Jeanine's solo...whatever. I don't know why people lost their minds over it. She is so average to me.
Speaking of getting more praise than you deserve, that woman who choreographed Brandon and Evan's hip hip has not impressed me. Mad props for using "Nasty"by Janet Jackson, but the dancing did not match the intensity of the song. And way to set up Evan for failure. Of course, it seems the worse his criticism, the more votes he gets. I cannot think of a dancer that has endured more criticism and I cannot think of another dancer that evoked a CHANT OF HIS NAME from the audience.
Kayla and Jeanine's piece was the first piece of the night (and one of the only) fit for the finale. It was a beautiful battle for best dancer. It was an elegant fight set to magnificent music. It almost made me forget that Jeanine looks like a NFL linebacker compared to Kayla. Should I mention Nigel's wildly inappropriate comment about the girls completely undressing? No, better not to.
Toni and Melanie have been off all season. And they topped that effort with the western, cowboy, jive they made Evan and Kayla do. I was proud of Shanky for calling out the choreography as being bad. What might have been even more interesting was how Mary tried to stop him.
Kayla gave a below average solo, but it lead to what could have been the most powerful judges' comments of the night. Let it be stated: Adam Shankman said that Kayla is the best dancer this season, and one of the best of all the seasons put together (never have I felt such sweet vindication as when he named Danny as one of the greats). Then Nigel supported him by saying that if Kayla doesn't get a lot of votes it's because people assume she is safe, AKA, Nigel told people to pick up the phone and vote for Kayla. I thought Kayla had it locked up, until...
Jeanine and Brandon's Paso Doble. Wow. My favorite SYTYCD Paso Doble to date. Loved it. Didn't want to, but loved it. It is the kind of number that makes people pick up the phone.
Cat asked the judges point blank who they thought was going to win, and only Nigel would answer. Let's dissect his response. He said Evan was the most popular, and Kayla was the best, but that it would come down to Brandon and Jeanine. I think he meant the first part of what he said, but realized that people vote for who he DOESN'T like, so he threw in the part about Jeanine and Brandon to ensure that the majority of the votes would be for Kayla and Evan. Did you follow that?
I think this is a battle of the most popular vs. the most talented. Evan has a following and Kayla is the best.
And if Jeanine wins, there is no God.
Belated Re-Cap
Evan deserves a medal for all the shit he has put up with on this show, but he does not deserve to win. I could not believe Lil C said he was surprised that Evan was not "swallowed by Ade and Brandon." Way harsh. Yet, he is the weakest out of the three. NO QUESTION.
I am surprised they even had an Ade "goodbye montage" on hand. No one could have seen this coming. I keep picturing the guys in the editing room being like, "Ade? Really? We have to put this together for THIS week. But we have Evan's all set to go." It's just an unspeakable tragedy that he went home and it makes me question the validity of the voting/this show. I love Brandon, but a part of me acknowledges that Ade was better. Essentially, the best male dancer did not make it to the top four. Which leads me into my next topic...
The best girl is Kayla, then Janette (who is now watching from some Bank of America in Miami), then I guess it is really a tie between Melissa and Jeanine. However, I think I would have rather seen Melissa in the top four as Jeanine is getting all cocky these days. I must comment again on the overly mean face she made throughout her hip hop routine that was completely distracting and weird.
I have this horrible feeling that they are setting Jeanine up to win. And I literally will not be able to handle it. At this point, the only acceptable winners are Kayla and Brandon. Anything else and I may have to stop watching this show.
New Idea for Voting
Idea #1, Don't let the public vote
Why is America deciding in the first place? I get the whole concept of "America's favorite dancer," but I just cannot believe that is actually what is happening. What if there is a correlation between bad taste, and the number of times a person is willing to call and vote for a dancer? I think that is the only way you can explain Janette and Ade leaving. Why not leave it to the experts so that the person who wins actually deserve it.
Idea # 2, Paying to vote against someone
Another way to counteract bad dancers going forward is to allow people to vote against someone. For example, if you are unsure if you like Melissa better than Kayla, yet you know you really want Jeanine to go home, you could vote AGAINST Jeanine. In this scenario, a bad vote against you would take away five votes for you. You could control excessive bad votes by attaching a fee. So if you really dislike someone, you can put a dent in their numbers, but its going to cost you $1.50.
Friday, July 31, 2009
So You Think They Could Have Counted the Votes Wrong?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So You Think We Can Vote For The Right People This Week?
At one point I was rooting for Jeanine. When she was with Philip and he was kind of bringing her down, I wanted her to do better. But now I am taking all of my frustration of Janette leaving out on her because I feel like she is in Janette's spot.
Jeanine and Ade's Samba was pretty good, but it was also a shade quick, it looked like they were rushing the dance. It was the epitome of Jeanine stepping in Janette's shoes and not being able to fill them. I was really happy with the choreography of the hip hop routine, and I think Ade looked awesome. However, I thought Jeanine was making a strange face the ENTIRE time. There is trying to look gangster and then there is just looking like you are mad about something. She pulled off the latter.
Melissa was surprisingly good at both her Broadway style routines with Evan. I think I would have predicted that she would be horrible in that genre. But she pulled it off, and well too. It seems Miss Melissa is really turning it up here in the final weeks and making a run for that title. Sadly, Evan just has to go. I don't want to say it's because he has the wrong look, but he just looked silly up there with Brandon and Ade during the boy's piece. I think he really fights to hold his own, but he is not on the same level as the other two.
It's about time Brandon and Kayla got put together! I loved their first piece. Loved it. Their two personalities and style of dance really worked well together. I think this is Kayla's best partner by far (I also just realized that historically, she always gets the worst partners). I love disco, so their second piece worked for me as well. However, I think it was Kayla's weakest dance yet. Which is almost a compliment, because it was still pretty good. But did she not look a little awkward? And there were definitely a few missteps here and there.
Final Prediction for who will go home tonight: Jeanine and Evan.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So You Think You Can Make 100 Episodes
So You Think You Can Make It To The Top 6
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So You Think You Can Dress Yourself
Nigel and Mary are Sleeping Together
Cat Deeley and the F Bomb
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy 60th Birthday Nigel
While I still think Jason is a mediocre dancer who never impresses me, I do not think it was totally out of line to have Phillip go home. I think if you go back and watch all of Phillip's performances, none of them where that good. I think I have known for awhile that he was barely passing, but I could not let myself admit it. He is just so damn likable that I would always concentrate on his partner and conveniently miss his shortcomings.
In true Phillip form, he made the greatest concession speech ever. That bit about not needing money and a studio if you have passion was heartwarming and eloquent. In retrospect, I wonder if they kept him around longer than he deserved so that he could be in the tour. Because he is exactly the type of person people want to see, and they could make a few really interesting numbers around him.
Not to go backwards here, but I forgot to mention that I absolutely loved the opening number. Good work NappyTabs. It was a really good "track," as Cat would say, and it held my attention a lot better than some of the previous show openers.
I wish they had told us who they new partners are going to be. Perhaps I will end by making a list of the craziest possible pairings:
Kayla and Evan
Randi and Brandon
Janette and Jason
Melissa and Kupono
Jeanine and Ade
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1-888-Fan 'freaking' tastic!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Goodbye Vitolio and Karla :)


I have to sit down, my feet are dizzy

I posted this picture of Miss Carrie Bradshaw because my friend Jen pointed out that Cat's outfit last night was the pink version of this frock that Carrie wore in the movie. Well, she called it a flagrant rip off, but it's the same idea.