Thursday, July 23, 2009

So You Think You Can Make 100 Episodes

There is a time to swear. Sometimes you need a swear to adequately express an extreme level of emotions. That being said, I am fucking floored that Janette went home tonight. Nigel wanted her to win, Mia wanted her to win. Fuck. Even Cat could not stop saying how shocked she was. 

Moving along...

This was the first time in a long time that I liked the opening number, nay, loved the opening number. The music, lights, stage, costumes, everything. It was truly worthy of opening the 100th show.

When they said there was going to be highlights from past seasons I was hoping for a lot more. I know that I could be shot in public, in broad daylight for saying this, but the hummingbird and the flower does NOTHING for me. I have seen it on t.v., I have seen it live, I have seen it in a car, on a train, in a house with a mouse, I just don't like it. I wanted Lauren in the skeleton costume, Sara and Neil dancing to "Knock on Wood", Danny in any way shape or form. Basically anything from Season 3 but that bird and pigeon nonsense. 

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Katie Holmes was going to be dancing tonight. That's what my memo said. Did you get the right one? The one that said she was just going to walk around stage for a few minutes. All Katie Holmes' performance proved was that she has a killer set of legs, and that I am indeed overweight. And how about that subhuman interview with Cat? 

Cat: What made you get involved with the Dizzy Feet foundation?
Katie "I sold my soul to the devil" Holmes: I was approached by someone.

Thank you, Katie. We realize a person must have engaged you in a conversation to start this process, but how about you delve into your REASONING for doing this. Or is your Scientologist handler not letting you speak at the moment?

Luckily Jason went home, because, seriously, if it had been Brandon, you would have needed a van of EMTs to bring me back to life. The shock of Janette and Brandon leaving in the same night would have been too much. I also realize that I have not been voting for Brandon because I thought he would be everyone's favorite. But this is the second week he has lost to Evan, and I need to get dialing. 

Did Janette really leave? I'm sorry, this is going to take a while to sink in...


  1. i totally agree with you--jeanette's leaving last night RUINED the entire show for me. she was amazing, despite the fact that she didn't have the greatest night on wednesday. i went on the fox website and looked her up, i was SHOCKED to find that she is a ballroom dancer! she had taken to so many styles so well to be someone with a ballroom background. kayla should have gone. ughhhhhhh

  2. Totally agree with all of the dismay over Janette leaving! Last week was the first time I realized that it would be smart to start voting (for Melissa and Ade) but it didn't even occur to me that the masses would forget to vote for Janette! That Celine Dion song for her solo didn't help her much, but she really was awesome - loved her speech at the end though!

  3. Yeah, I think that Janette suffered from her strong success throughout the show. I for one considered her safe and didn't vote for her based on that alone. I guess a lot of people followed that thought. I think she and Brandon have consistently been the strongest over the course of the entire show. BUT - I LOVE Kayla, Melissa, and Ade, too.
