Friday, August 7, 2009

Jeanine is America's Favorite Dancer...Allegedly

So Kayla and Evan went home first, and Jeanine won. I would like to mention that I was not necessarily dead wrong. My Kayla vs. Evan prediction was an attempt to course correct the universe. I have been aware that Jeanine was going to win for a few weeks now.

The only good thing about Jeanine winning was her joke about giving an acceptance speech at the Kodak. Very funny (also very cocky).

I think in the end Kayla lost a lot of steam. When she did her Samba with Max, it looked nothing like the first time she did it. Perhaps this competition is not meant for people like her, who are already great dancers. It's meant for the underdogs, the Jeanine's who rise from obscurity, the Sabra's who have only been dancing a few years, the Josh's who need braces.

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