Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance, Katie Holmes? We shall see about that...

I suppose my first reaction to the rumors that Katie Holmes will be on SYTYCD is unmitigated fear. Does Katie Holmes dance? Apparently she danced on an episode of "Eli Stone." What the hell is "Eli Stone?" I mean, I can infer that it is some sort of television show, but it is not instilling a lot of confidence in me. 

Oh wait, she danced for the entire duration of "Mad Money." Still not exactly what I would call reassuring

The rationale for my fears can be summed up in one word: Integrity.

I think SYTYCD has the most integrity of all the reality competition shows. Whenever I try to get people to watch the show, I tell them "it's not like other reality shows where they cause unnecessary drama to get ratings or thrive off the sick pleasure of watching people with no talent. It's different. It's about people who are genuinely gifted." Okay, there is no way I've ever said those exact words, but you get my point. While "America's Next Top Model" relies on sleep deprivation and cat fights for ratings*, SYTYCD carries itself on the talent of its contestants.  

*Author's Note: This is in no way stops me from being a religious watcher of ANTM.

SYTYCD is not about cheap tricks. And this seems like a cheap trick. I don't want to celebrity bash here, but Katie Holmes is most famous for marrying someone that no one believes she loves. Not good. If it was, say, Michelle Williams, I would probably be excited. I would assume she knew how to dance and was going to show us something special. With Katie, I am more expecting a gimmick, a headline. So help me God if anything, I mean ANYTHING happens involving Suri, my heart will probably stop beating. 

So, let's talk about this. Is Katie Holmes going to be the next best thing to happen to SYTYCD, or the first really bad thing?


  1. I had your same reaction... I had to Google Katie Holmes dances to see the reference and quite frankly really wasn't impressed. If for some reason she's a huge dance enthusiast, would bring a lot of energy and talent and publicity to the show, it COULD be a good thing. But like you, I'm hoping the show maintains its integrity for quality performances.

  2. Let's just say that if the rumors are true, Katie better bring it. Big time. As in, she needs to have had some secret dance career and years of training that for some reason she has chosen not to publicize. Suri's cute and all, and who doesn't love some Dawson's re-runs every now and again, but this is a dance show! With real dancers! If she turns out to be amazing though, more power to her :)
