Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Judges Must Be Crazy

The feedback from the judges in last night's episode was ridiculous. I was literally jumping out of my seat at times and pacing about the room in a fury. So this will be a kind of bi-polar blog where I go back and forth between calm reflections and anger fueled ranting. 

To begin with, Cat looked like she was wearing a bridesmaid's dress that was eight sizes too big for her. 

Melissa is married too! This is like the Senior Citizen Season of SYTYCD.

Melissa and Ade: I did not think that was worth a "buck" from Lil C. Maybe for Ade. Ade was awesome. I found Melissa distracting. Nigel said that everything Ade did Melissa "did and equaled his strength." No way. Well, maybe she equaled his strength because she is the "buff ballerina," but she had none of his style. 

I think this is also Crazy Celebrity Look-a-like Season because Kaitlin also bears a strong resemblance to Leanne Rimes and I just realized how much Brandon looks like Carlton from "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air."

Well, now we know Jason can't do hip hop. Ditto that for Kaitlin. Which leads me into...

Anger fueled rant #1: How dare Nigel defend their routine with that insanity about the show evolving hip hop. Hip hop is hard hitting and if you are not hard hitting then you are not getting it yet. Shane did a different style to make them look good? Not bloody likely, Nigel. Talk about making excuses. "You see, Shane knew you guys were garbage, so he developed this routine where you were not challenged and could just basically flop around like amateurs. And you know what, you totally nailed it!"

Janette certainly proved she is worth the price of admission last night. She and Brandon tore up that dance floor. Tore it up. And Lil C is already eating his words about Brandon. Mia is next. 

Anger fueled rant #2: Why was I not surprised to hear that Asuka was not attracted to Vitolio? They have no chemistry! That routine was not worth Mary's tears. It was the same stuff as last week, holding back and empty steps. And could we all stop treating Asuka like a prostitute? Calling someone "dominant submissive" is not a compliment. It is yet another in a train of sexually based comments hurled at Asuka and it is getting out of control. 

Kayla killed it yet again. Max held his own regardless of that fact that he looked like an Aladdin/Drag Queen hybrid. 

Anger fueled rant #3: There are two types of people in this world, those that have seen "Once," and those that have not. Because you are not quite the same afterwards. That's how good it is. Those that have seen the movie realize the song Jonathan and Karla danced to is the most emotionally charged, amazing song ever. And they did it no justice. They did not even come close to matching the emotional intensity of that song. They left passion and love out of the most passionate love song. I was barreled over with disappointment. But the judges praised it! And Lil C gave them a "buck." I don't think so. That compliment now officially carries no weight at all. 

When they replayed the snippet from Jonathan and Karla's piece at the end of the show my boyfriend started laughing and said, "this one was the travesty." Enough said. 

Ashley and Kupono made me remember why I watch this show and then Mary said the routine was just okay. And Lil C was disappointed.  Well guess what, I am you guys! BIG TIME!!!!!! Would you rather Jonathan and Karla get back on stage and show us what it's like to not understand the depth of a piece of music? Maybe Jason could show us some more uninspiring hip hop. The judges were crazy last night. Just crazy.

The only real note of the show was when Nigel told Phillip that he needs to control his face during the lifts. That was a legitimate critique. That looked pretty bad in the playback and deserved to be pointed out. Most everything else that happened last night was just wrong. 


  1. I'm with Cat Deeley on this one, had chills for Jonathan and Karla. I definitely cried my eyes out watching "Once" and I still get totally distracted with thought and emotion when 'Falling Slowly' gets played (on my iPod), and I did find their performance moving, and quite far from being a travesty. But then again, I knew what the song was about and could imbue my viewing with that memory.

    I do agree with you on Ashley and Kupono, actually, really just Ashley. I thought she was sassy, loved that bit where she stuck her tongue out then just HIT IT.

    Curious to hear your take on Philip/Jeanine?

  2. Whew! Deep Breath! I thought that last night was more of a first week then the actual first week. I too was really dissapointed not only in the dancers but like you said, the judges. However, there are two dances that I was unable to see. Evan and Randi (which you didn't mention) and the first Hip-Hop with Jason. It does seem like the judges are really trying to sway the American people a little too much.

    I absolutely agree with you and your comments about Asuka and Vitolio. Just and EMPTY dance and the Nigel said that if you didn't feel the power in that dance then you have no heart. Really? Sorry, but I had a heart and it was not forced into any emotion over that dance. Just plain week.

    However I disagree with you on Karla and Jonathan's dance. No, it wasn't the most beautiful or touching or emotional connecting piece ever done on this show but I felt that they had something. I have seen the movie and love it, I love the soundtrack and I love that song but I didn't feel as if that piece was a "travesty" especially compared to some of the other numbers performed. Especially looking at their performance last week, I really think they brought it up.

    I'm glad that you have this blog and I enjoy reading your opinions. I just hope next week is better and really wondering who will be going home tonight. (Something I think you should add to your blog... a prediction of who you think will go home the next night. )

    P.S. Gotta stand up for the married dancers! Just because you are married doesn't mean you are old. I was married at 20 and there have been married dancers on the show before they just never mentioned it.

  3. Good point about last night being more of a first night than the actual first night. Now about the judges...I was not with them for a few of their opinions. It seemed whenever they liked it, I wasn't feeling it. And vice versa, whenever I liked it, they had luke warm reactions. It could be the subjectivity that is inherent in the world of art. How does the old saying go, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." However, I could not help but wonder if they were trying to strongly assert their influence. I just hope it is not at the expense of the integrity of the show.
