Friday, July 31, 2009
So You Think They Could Have Counted the Votes Wrong?
Ade went home? Ade. Are you serious? Unfortunately I cannot talk about this right now because I am out of town. I will be able to comment further later this weekend.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So You Think We Can Vote For The Right People This Week?
I did not fully realize how crazy it was that Janette was gone until last night. She should have been there. She should have been in the top three girls. I think it also means a lot that the judges had to talk about it. How often do they lament on a person after they are gone?
At one point I was rooting for Jeanine. When she was with Philip and he was kind of bringing her down, I wanted her to do better. But now I am taking all of my frustration of Janette leaving out on her because I feel like she is in Janette's spot.
Jeanine and Ade's Samba was pretty good, but it was also a shade quick, it looked like they were rushing the dance. It was the epitome of Jeanine stepping in Janette's shoes and not being able to fill them. I was really happy with the choreography of the hip hop routine, and I think Ade looked awesome. However, I thought Jeanine was making a strange face the ENTIRE time. There is trying to look gangster and then there is just looking like you are mad about something. She pulled off the latter.
Melissa was surprisingly good at both her Broadway style routines with Evan. I think I would have predicted that she would be horrible in that genre. But she pulled it off, and well too. It seems Miss Melissa is really turning it up here in the final weeks and making a run for that title. Sadly, Evan just has to go. I don't want to say it's because he has the wrong look, but he just looked silly up there with Brandon and Ade during the boy's piece. I think he really fights to hold his own, but he is not on the same level as the other two.
It's about time Brandon and Kayla got put together! I loved their first piece. Loved it. Their two personalities and style of dance really worked well together. I think this is Kayla's best partner by far (I also just realized that historically, she always gets the worst partners). I love disco, so their second piece worked for me as well. However, I think it was Kayla's weakest dance yet. Which is almost a compliment, because it was still pretty good. But did she not look a little awkward? And there were definitely a few missteps here and there.
Final Prediction for who will go home tonight: Jeanine and Evan.
At one point I was rooting for Jeanine. When she was with Philip and he was kind of bringing her down, I wanted her to do better. But now I am taking all of my frustration of Janette leaving out on her because I feel like she is in Janette's spot.
Jeanine and Ade's Samba was pretty good, but it was also a shade quick, it looked like they were rushing the dance. It was the epitome of Jeanine stepping in Janette's shoes and not being able to fill them. I was really happy with the choreography of the hip hop routine, and I think Ade looked awesome. However, I thought Jeanine was making a strange face the ENTIRE time. There is trying to look gangster and then there is just looking like you are mad about something. She pulled off the latter.
Melissa was surprisingly good at both her Broadway style routines with Evan. I think I would have predicted that she would be horrible in that genre. But she pulled it off, and well too. It seems Miss Melissa is really turning it up here in the final weeks and making a run for that title. Sadly, Evan just has to go. I don't want to say it's because he has the wrong look, but he just looked silly up there with Brandon and Ade during the boy's piece. I think he really fights to hold his own, but he is not on the same level as the other two.
It's about time Brandon and Kayla got put together! I loved their first piece. Loved it. Their two personalities and style of dance really worked well together. I think this is Kayla's best partner by far (I also just realized that historically, she always gets the worst partners). I love disco, so their second piece worked for me as well. However, I think it was Kayla's weakest dance yet. Which is almost a compliment, because it was still pretty good. But did she not look a little awkward? And there were definitely a few missteps here and there.
Final Prediction for who will go home tonight: Jeanine and Evan.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So You Think You Can Make 100 Episodes
There is a time to swear. Sometimes you need a swear to adequately express an extreme level of emotions. That being said, I am fucking floored that Janette went home tonight. Nigel wanted her to win, Mia wanted her to win. Fuck. Even Cat could not stop saying how shocked she was.
Moving along...
This was the first time in a long time that I liked the opening number, nay, loved the opening number. The music, lights, stage, costumes, everything. It was truly worthy of opening the 100th show.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Katie Holmes was going to be dancing tonight. That's what my memo said. Did you get the right one? The one that said she was just going to walk around stage for a few minutes. All Katie Holmes' performance proved was that she has a killer set of legs, and that I am indeed overweight. And how about that subhuman interview with Cat?
Cat: What made you get involved with the Dizzy Feet foundation?
Katie "I sold my soul to the devil" Holmes: I was approached by someone.
Thank you, Katie. We realize a person must have engaged you in a conversation to start this process, but how about you delve into your REASONING for doing this. Or is your Scientologist handler not letting you speak at the moment?
Luckily Jason went home, because, seriously, if it had been Brandon, you would have needed a van of EMTs to bring me back to life. The shock of Janette and Brandon leaving in the same night would have been too much. I also realize that I have not been voting for Brandon because I thought he would be everyone's favorite. But this is the second week he has lost to Evan, and I need to get dialing.
Did Janette really leave? I'm sorry, this is going to take a while to sink in...
So You Think You Can Make It To The Top 6
Last night we had two new judges, Ellen Degeneres, and Dr. Nigel Lythgoe. Congratulations Nigel. Though, honorary degrees have about as much value as monopoly money, so I would not exactly go around town telling people you are a doctor. Someone is going to want you to do CPR on their husband and you are going to end up tap dancing at their funeral.
I was originally truly excited about Ellen being on the show, but I am not sure it was executed properly. Instead of giving an honest, non professional opinion, Ellen opted for making very scripted jokes. I think it was a wasted opportunity. Most of the people who watch the show are amateurs or non-dancers, who I think would appreciate having a voice like theirs on the panel. The exception being when she spoke about Evan's uniqueness. I was totally moved by her words and completely refreshed by her admiration for someone who does not have the traditional look.
That being said, could someone pleases stop putting Evan in those shirts with the plunging necklines? They were not meant for his body type and he comes off looking ridiculous. I understand that it is a traditional look for certain dances, but certainly someone who dresses people for a living can find a suitable alternative.
As for the dancing, it was not a very impressive show. Most of the performances were a total yawn. Which left room for Kayla and Jason to breakthrough as the strongest couple. I thought their Broadway routine was excellent (complete with Mia telling Kayla show was made for Broadway) and of course their hip hop routine was one of the best we have seen so far (Nigel mirrored my thoughts when he said that overall the hip hop has been weak this season).
Janette was pretty fiery in her first routine with Evan, but the second one was just painful. The music was way too slow. I'm just expecting a lot more a this point in the show.
Brandon and Jeanine did not have a good first routine. There were a ton of hiccups and it just did not work. Very surprising for dancers of their caliber. Someone needs to explain to me why they got such rave reviews on their hip hop piece. The song did not move me at all (as opposed to the Citizen Cope song that Jeanine used in her solo which was awesome). Apparently the choreographer was some kind of gift from God, but impressed me she did not. It was a lot of kicking and Jeanine trying to look angry. Next.
Melissa and Ade also started out very weak. When we have seen them do so well, when they have set the bar so high for themselves as a couple, they cannot come out and do a tired routine like that and not have it be glaringly obvious that they under performed.
I was very nervous when Tasty Oreo said he was "compelled to talk about breast cancer." I was also very nervous when I saw Melissa wearing a head scarf. Cancer is as serious subject as the come and if handled incorrectly, everyone involved would look stupid. That was not the case. I think Melissa was put on this show, if not this earth, to dance that piece. No one could have done it but her. Her slim figure, pale skin and mature face made her a surprisingly realistic depiction of cancer patient. And then she danced bravely. Her jumps and lifts were done bravely. There was a wisdom and courage to her dancing that echoed the qualities of someone fighting a disease. The strength we associate with Melissa was transformed into the strength we associate with a woman battling breast cancer. What I found most interesting about the piece was the ending. Ade carrying Melissa off into a white light came off as a metaphor for her death. Perhaps that was not Tyce's intention. Nevertheless, a truly moving piece.
So, who goes home. Surely Melissa and Ade have to be safe. It should be Jason's turn to go home, but he actually seems to be getting better each week. Perhaps it is time for Evan to go home. While he has inarguably the best solos each week, a master of his own style, he is not rising to the occasion in other genres. But I think Ellen's heartfelt speech may have earned him some extra phone calls.
The girls are much harder to predict because they are all strong. I would say Kayla and Jeanette are the best. Which leaves Melissa and Jeanine. Jeanine did not have the best night, and Melissa had the best night of her life.
Final prediction: Jason and Jeanine. (I accidentally typed Evan and had to fix it. Freudian slip?)
Feel free to leave a comment! I love reading them :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So You Think You Can Dress Yourself
I am sitting here, minding my own business, watching a little "What Not to Wear" when I see Melanie from SYTYCD!!!! You know Melanie, Tony Meredith's partner that looks like a cross between Bette Midler and Ursula. Unfortunately it's just a "best of" episode, so I am not getting the full experience. Still very exciting. I need to get my hands on that original episode. Which gives me an idea. Shouldn't someone nominate Mary? I mean, prom dresses and costume jewelry night after night is definitely deserving of a little Stacey and Clinton intervention.
OMG! Now they are showing Tony Meredith going through her closet. This is the funniest thing ever!
Nigel and Mary are Sleeping Together
I have had my suspicions and now I am positive that Nigel and Mary are knocking boots. They are way to chummy these days. Always pawing at each other. They are like flirty school children. I think they might even be holding hands under the table. And that comment about hypnotizing Mary to take her clothes off? Keep an eye on those two, they are definitely getting naked together after the shows.
I liked the girls' Bollywood (BollyWOW!), but I was definitely scared by those masks with the mustaches. They could have left that out. I look forward to seeing those in my next nightmare.
As predicted, Kayla and Evan were a very weird couple. I did love the bit with putting Evan in heels. But "Kiss From a Rose?" I don't think Seal even liked that song. They always hate on the costume people, but no one ever talks about when they choose a totally lame song.
I had a thought after I saw Kayla's solo. Are people going to vote for her? I think she might be the best and most versatile dancer on the show, but I don't know if people will pick up the phone for her. Of course, I also thought Josh didn't have a chance in hell of winning last season, so I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of America.
I think it is time for Evan to do a topless solo.
THE TRAVIS WALL PIECE WAS AMAZING. I knew Jeanine was going to be a star. And Jason was pretty impressive too...shocking! Okay, did they make out at the end? I tried to re-watch it but I kept looking away. I could not force myself to see if they were actually kissing because I was having serious second hand embarrassment.
Kupono's solo was awesome. I honestly did not know he had it in him. But his Paso Doble really showcased his weakness. Randi was so much stronger than he was, and she was supposed to be a cape. He was a matador and she was a piece of cloth, and she came off as more masculine. NG. Not good.
The wig. Oh, sweet lord. The wig. Why did they put Randi in a Melissa wig? Was not the obvious choice to have a BLONDE wig? You could hardly tell it was Randi, which might be a good thing as the piece was a bit of a dud. If anything Melissa is going to lose votes because of it.
It's interesting that Brandon got Melissa and Janette got Ade. It's like the just mixed up the two best couples. I think Janette and Ade made the better pair. Even after all that talk about getting to know each other quickly, Melissa and Brandon did not seem to have all that much chemistry. And frankly, Melissa is just starting to annoy me. I'm glad Randi sabotaged her. The Aquarius routine was a bit of a yawn for me, with spurts of Brandon being ridiculously awesome.
What was with everyone saying that Janette had no funk? Let's be serious, she is a salsa dancer, funk can't be too far behind. It's not like we are talking about trying to get Evan to be funky while wearing a top hat and bow tie. They love trying to make us think a routine is going to be bad and then shocking us with how perfect it is. And I love Ade.
So, who goes home? It might be Kupono because of the Paso Doble. You know I love to hate on Jason, but his performance with Jeanine was the best one of the night (very "tour worthy") so he has to be safe. I also constantly fear for Evan, though his solo was beyond good.
The girls are a lot harder to predict. It could be Kayla because of her absence of a soul, but I hope not because she is just too good to go home at this point. I mean really, has she done one thing wrong this whole time? Randi is a different story. I swear to God that wig was like a death sentence. If you paired that wig with the Russian folk dancing you would get the biggest SYTYCD train wreck possible.
My final prediction is Randi and Kupono.
Cat Deeley and the F Bomb
I was looking for Cat's interview on Conan O'Brien and I found this. Pretty funny stuff.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy 60th Birthday Nigel
Although I said my head was going to explode if anyone other than Caitlin and Jason went home, I am in fact fully intact today.Which I think is a sign of personal growth in the old anger/disappointment management department.
While I still think Jason is a mediocre dancer who never impresses me, I do not think it was totally out of line to have Phillip go home. I think if you go back and watch all of Phillip's performances, none of them where that good. I think I have known for awhile that he was barely passing, but I could not let myself admit it. He is just so damn likable that I would always concentrate on his partner and conveniently miss his shortcomings.
In true Phillip form, he made the greatest concession speech ever. That bit about not needing money and a studio if you have passion was heartwarming and eloquent. In retrospect, I wonder if they kept him around longer than he deserved so that he could be in the tour. Because he is exactly the type of person people want to see, and they could make a few really interesting numbers around him.
Not to go backwards here, but I forgot to mention that I absolutely loved the opening number. Good work NappyTabs. It was a really good "track," as Cat would say, and it held my attention a lot better than some of the previous show openers.
I wish they had told us who they new partners are going to be. Perhaps I will end by making a list of the craziest possible pairings:
Kayla and Evan
Randi and Brandon
Janette and Jason
Melissa and Kupono
Jeanine and Ade
While I still think Jason is a mediocre dancer who never impresses me, I do not think it was totally out of line to have Phillip go home. I think if you go back and watch all of Phillip's performances, none of them where that good. I think I have known for awhile that he was barely passing, but I could not let myself admit it. He is just so damn likable that I would always concentrate on his partner and conveniently miss his shortcomings.
In true Phillip form, he made the greatest concession speech ever. That bit about not needing money and a studio if you have passion was heartwarming and eloquent. In retrospect, I wonder if they kept him around longer than he deserved so that he could be in the tour. Because he is exactly the type of person people want to see, and they could make a few really interesting numbers around him.
Not to go backwards here, but I forgot to mention that I absolutely loved the opening number. Good work NappyTabs. It was a really good "track," as Cat would say, and it held my attention a lot better than some of the previous show openers.
I wish they had told us who they new partners are going to be. Perhaps I will end by making a list of the craziest possible pairings:
Kayla and Evan
Randi and Brandon
Janette and Jason
Melissa and Kupono
Jeanine and Ade
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1-888-Fan 'freaking' tastic!
Oh my God Pasha is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he looked so cute in his neon coral shirt :) I was so elated to see Pasha that I did not even notice Anya! It wasn't until after the dance that I saw her in the audience. Love the blonde hair. Love it.
I am so happy that we have gotten to the point where everyone does two dances each episode. And they are switching up the pairs! Things are really going to start heating up now.
I am obviously petrified that Cat cut her hair, but I have a feeling it was just pinned up. Cat, please, don't scare me like that.
I was wondering how Ade and Melissa would fare with a disco, and I think Ade totally pulled it off. It is amazing how he is so light on his feet. Melissa did well, but I thought she looked a little unsure of herself and then I was shocked when she fell at the end. It looked so unnecessary I was wondering if she did it on purpose. As far as their second routine, it was beautiful, but it was pretty uninspiring.
This is why Mia gets away with being a bitch, cause the girl can choreograph a routine. Her "Addiction" piece was so brilliant. And Kayla the Chameleon just embodied that character. There is nothing Kayla cannot do. Though Nigel was right when he said her hair is always covering her face. And of course, Kupono was super creepy and really helped make the piece amazing. And then I loved their Broadway piece! Kaya is so freakin' talented it's scary. Kupono was a little dull, but I am liking more than I ever did before.
Finally Jason and Caitlin found a routine they could dance too. Which was not their first one because that was just okay. I am talking about the lyrical jazz routine that really showcased their talent. And did anyone else get a Simba and Nala vibe? It felt very "lion cubs rolling around" to me.
Did that Russian folk dance really happen or did I dream that? Actually, I know it was real because I am re-watching it right now and laughing my butt off. It was just slightly less ridiculous than the time they had the dancing Cat Deeley head. Was it completely necessary to put blush on Phillip? Hahahaha. Thank God they got that jive that I loved! And a fun Bette song to go a long with it :)
The people I was with last night really liked that Randi/Evan hip hop, but I was not so impressed. Mainly because I get so bothered when they put the dancers in tapered jeans! And if Randi is supposed to be pregnant, why is Evan holding an engagement ring? The story was a bit confusing. I liked Tyce's comments about Evan. He can, and needs to be stronger. He definitely has it in him to do a better hip hop.
And he can definitely do a better samba! Come on Evan, you are so great, you need to dig deeper. And Tyce was SO RIGHT when he told Evan that he needs to go back and watch Danny and Lacey's samba, because when they did it, it was red hot, and a personal favorite. I was actually just listening to "Hip Hip Chin Chin" the other day in the car and reminiscing fondly.
Is there someone who does not adore and admire Wade Robson? Let him come forward, because I would love to hear someone think of one bad thing to say about Wade. The "Jewel Heist" routine was absolute lunacy, and absolutely perfect. And then he and his wife were in the audience wearing the white sun glasses!
Brandon and Jeanette are such a fantastic couple, it will be shame to see them split up. Their first routine of the night was obviously well done and Nigel even gave them a standing ovation. And then they bust out something totally different with the Wade routine, and nail that as well. I agree with Tyce that they seem to just take effortlessly take whatever is given to them and turn it into something special.
So, who goes home? This is not a tough one. If it is anyone other than Caitlin and Jason my head is going to explode.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Goodbye Vitolio and Karla :)


I am so glad that Philip and Jeanine landed in the bottom three because now everyone realizes that Jeanine is amazing! I think her solo was the best of the season. I just loved it, yes I did.
Kayla could have done her solo in one of those cow Halloween costumes with the exposed utters and still not gone home. She is just too good a dancer, and it was some kind of crazy fluke that she was in danger. Which leaves Karla. I think maybe this competition was just not for her. Maybe she should just go back to Broadway. Isn't that the end goal anyway?
I loved Philip's solo and it was in no way desperate. It was a great reminder of how powerful Philip is in his own genre. Have you noticed that he has a very interesting head nod? It's like a micro-rapid head nod of understanding.
Kupono could definitely use some help from Evan's brother. It was pretty funny when Nigel told him he was lucky this was not "So You Think You Can Choreograph." But, he got a pass, because it was really time for Vitolio to go home.
I am excited for next week. Hopefully they will stop rigging the competition and we can see some dancers perform outside their style :)
I have to sit down, my feet are dizzy

I posted this picture of Miss Carrie Bradshaw because my friend Jen pointed out that Cat's outfit last night was the pink version of this frock that Carrie wore in the movie. Well, she called it a flagrant rip off, but it's the same idea.
I'll just say it. Nigel started an entire scholarship organization to cover up his shameless publicity stunt of having Katie Holmes dance on the show. America got wind of the rumors, we made public our dissatisfaction with the lack of integrity, and Nigel went into action. Well played. You didn't fool me Nigel, but I appreciate the gesture.
Apparently I am the last person on the planet that know about performance fees, that celebs get paid to just show up at places. I looked into it and found that Bill Cosby gets as much as $100,000 dollars to attend events, and Alan Thick (dad from Growing Pains) gets $30,000. This seems crazy to me, just crazy. Had I known this, I would have clearly become a celebrity.
But let's get back to SYTYCD paying Katie Holmes, a non-dancer, to dance on the show. If she wants to use this show to launch her dance career, she should be paying Nigel. Yes, she is donating her fee to the Dizzy Feet Foundation, but I am sure that is just because she was commanded to by one of the head wizards at her local Scientology center.
Onto the show. I did not love last night at all. If I wanted to see Brandon and Janette dance an up tempo, spicy routine, or see Randi and Evan do some old timey dance, I would just re-watch the last three episodes. What kind of hat are they randomly picking the styles out of? A magical hat that pairs everyone with their own style? And did they not use to SHOW them picking, and now we are just taking their word for it? I smell a rat.
So, I basically have nothing to say about Brandon and Janette because we have seen them do this before. They are great at it. Let's give them something else. I will comment on Mia "Happy Pills" Michaels. Her reversal on her Brandon opinion was a bit fast. And she was just in an all around good mood the whole episode. Very unusual.
If it were not for Kupono and Kayla, the night would have been a total wash. Their routine was brilliant. Well, Kayla was brilliant, and Kupono managed to keep up. There was one troubling element, which is that I am not sure whether or not Kayla is the "impoverished, pitiful, diamond in the rough" girl they portrayed in auditions. She now strikes me more as the "totally confident, steely cool, veteran dancer/model." She might be the best dancer on the show, but I am not so impressed with her attitude. (Note to Kayla: we love an underdog)
As previously mentioned, Randi and Evan danced the same, now tired, routine they have been doing since the show started. I am officially bored. Give them something else. I should add that I think Mia is taking out some kind of weird, suppressed aggression on Randi. Last week she made Randi's butt the focal point of her routine after Randi stated that she is married and is uncomfortable with the sexual aspect that is sometimes demanded by the show. Okay, so Mia threw her a curve ball, fine. But this week Mia called Randi's dancing "heavy," which is a thinly veiled critique of Randi's weight, and I think that it was unnecessary. Mia, book a therapy session, because if anyone has a weight issue on this show it is you, and not Randi.
I can't even get into Caitlin and Jason. At this point it is like the choreographers have a side bet to see who can get them too look the most foolish. It was literally a piece inspired by her embarrassing velociraptor impression. Terrible, terrible, terrible.
I was glad that Nigel did not tear Phillip apart, but I am not sure why he spared him. That chain routine was abominable. Those routines only work when something that looks extremely difficult comes across as effortless. But in this case, their labor was evident and I was prepared for someone to fall at any moment. It was sloppy, but everyone loves Phillip and I can't imagine him and Jeanine in danger.
This is all I will say about Melissa and Ade's ballet routine; do you think it is fair that she was allowed to dance point? Clearly no other contestant could do that. And it came off looking like one of the 'Result Night' professional performances rather than a contestants' piece. Fair play, or unjust advantage?
What is with the repeat outfits!!! Why would you dress Vitolio in a bowtie that looks like the tie he wore in that awful Broadway dance he did with Asuka? It didn't work before, why would it work now? It just reminds us of how bad he was before, and will most likely be again. Of all the easy mistakes to avoid...
Maybe some people like when Karla's dress changed, but I did not. This is not America's Got Talent, and I will not be distracted from the full realization of their stilted dancing. Plus, the desperation from last week's solo slipped into Karla's performance. It was just not good.
The three worst routines were Caitlin and Jason, Jeanine and Phillip, and Vitolio and Karla. But I would not be surprised if Randi and Evan ended up in the bottom three because of that horrible closed fist dance routine.
I think Jeanine is money so she will be safe. Caitlin will give her signature polished solo to keep her safe. And Karla will crumble and go home.
If Nigel is having a bad day he might send Phillip home, but knowing how that will alienate America, he will most likely not. I think Jason is the better dancer, but Vitolio has more personality and probably more followers.
My final guess is....Karla and Vitolio
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Goodbye Jonathan and Asuka :)
You know, in the end, I wanted Vitolio to go. At least Jonathan had a decent solo. Vitolio didn't even have that. I was also re-watching Vitolio and Asuka's dance to "Heartbreaker" and I am pretty sure he is lip syncing while dancing. Not good. Of course, almost everything Jonathan has done has been unforgivable.
As fas as Asuka, she had not grown at all in the competition. In fact, she might have under preformed. She looked uncomfortable and unsure in most of her routines. Of course, it might not have been glaringly obvious as Vitolio always looks like a confused deer in headlights.
Can we talk about Karla's solo? Isn't she the professional dancer? Does she not get paid to dance? How can she crumble under the pressure like that? It is a little surprising. And then Nigel called her performance "desperate," which is perhaps the harshest adjective you can use to describe a person's attempt to dance for their life.
I am not impressed with any of the girls who were in the bottom three. Especially Kaitlin. As previously stated, I am all kinds of done with her and Jason. Not that the Paso Doble was necessarily their fault. I feel like it was a feeble attempt to recreate their popular Bollywood piece that just failed. He looked like a Gladiator and she looked like Princess Leia dancing to a song that is meant for movie trailers. Either way, I would love to see them do something special this week, but I am not expecting it.
And wasn't it funny that Jason dressed for his solo like he was going to an Abercrombie and Fitch photo shoot?
On a final note, I am still a little upset that Ashley and Max went home. I am totally off base here? I think not.
On an even more final note, I think it's going to be really interesting to see Karla and Vitolio dance together (look out for the lip syncing).
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